MBA, Master of Business Administration, a globally recognized degree which recognizes the skills required for business and management oriented careers. It can be in the public, government or private sector. The subjects such as economics, marketing and operations are of major importance in this line.
MBA is one of the most popular professional degree program in the world. 2500+ MBA programs are offered worldwide and most of them are in English. It was first introduced in the United States around the 20th century and has evolved over time.
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Why choose English speaking countries for MBA and why is it beneficial?

Fluent English speaking MBAs are preferred on a large scale. About 7.5 billion inhabitants speak English and about 360 million people speak English as their first language.
Language skills are very important and valued asset for MBA especially when they hold MARKETING as a dominant sphere. It is becoming a major saving grace for almost all the global ventures. If an MBA has excellent communication competency, it helps in better comprehension of the clients. The clients discloses to you better.
This unveils a firm’s business practices and ethics which acts as a huge bonus. It makes you globally savvy and you become an important asset for major influence of the company. It makes a you a business genius. You get a better perspective and help your clients see what you want them to see. this makes a huge effect on attracting clients to your company too.
A recent study shows that the UK and US MBAs need more language skills if they want to acquire promotion or even sustain a simple job. The English speaking proficiency is seen as valuable. Right from the syllabus to the software’s and communication used when hired, everything will test for English communication skills. Most of the interviews are taken in English.
Human resource and marketing are the most sought after jobs and English is known to be the most used language to communicate. Hence, English speaking universities give you an overall lingual development which constitutes a very crucial and fundamental part of being trained as an MBA.
Snehas’ Story
Sneha Jaiswal pursued her MBA from the University of Manchester. She like many other students did not come from an affluent family but a family who joined every penny from their family savings to afford the child’s education. She decided to choose her MBA program from the best college which would help her get placed in a powerful and wealthy position.
In her estimation, UK and US were the finest and pre-eminent places for pursuing her education as they had great familiarity, amazing placements, humongous faculty and the most important, they were English speaking.
According to her, it was not enough for her to endure the study period. It was indisputably worth a king’s ransom when she would be placed as a Wall street invest banker or a manager in one of the top multi-million company or to conduct onsite meetings and interviews. Communication was an important aspect to charm clients and get through interviews. Hence, the colleges she chose were to enhance her personality and communication too.
When Sneha considered countries like Germany, she came across the University of Mannheim, Leipzig University, EU Business school and Munich Business school.
She deliberated upon the fact that, after all, if the target industry is Marketing or Consulting, then companies are inclined towards English speaking employees who can write and speak English who can perform better in the work place. They plump for the MBA graduates that graduate from institutes like Harvard or Cambridge.
Cons Of Choosing Non-English Countries

Cons Of Studying In Germany
In countries like Germany and most of the other European countries, MBA is still an American concept, and a PhD is more valued over an MBA till date. Since MBA is still not a trending and gravitating concept, the universities here are not very well developed and most of them are still new. They are not in motion still.
Even while granting admissions, if any student holds a degree or certificate of lingual skills in German. These students are preferred first over any other student in terms of admission and scholarship. The skills are not very relevant and are seen more from a country perspective rather than global frame of reference.
The public universities in Germany do not provide good student facilities in MBA institutes. Learning German becomes a day-to-day compulsion. Students face a lot of uncertainty and confusion due to this. Even if a student opts the language of instruction in English, he/she faces difficulty while placements.
A German-speaking MBA is preferred more over an English speaking MBA in their country. Moreover, the German market is not stable compared to other countries and hence it becomes even more tough to find a job opportunities.
The social life of a student becomes very tensed and frustrated because he/she finds very few students or people who can understand each other.
The course structures in Germany are not disciplined. The students spend more time in the classes by pursuing independent study rather than being taught by a teacher.
Hence, Sneha did not choose any of the non-English speaking countries for her MBA education. Countries like China, Italy, Spain, France and Japan are more concerned with developing their nationality and hence do not offer much of global opportunities.
Cons Of Studying In Russia
St. Petersburg State University, Moscow state university and The Stockholm school of economics are some of the well known universities to pursue MBA in Russia.
First of all, the climate in Russia ranges to extreme cold conditions. Their winters are above unbearable for students going from India.
Second, it is a MUST for the student to have a good command over Russian. The teaching is done ONLY in Russian.
Cons Of Studying In Spain
When you are pursing a MBA degree, the first goal of the student is, to attain a top position in a global corporation. And that is the first condition to narrow down the business schools you choose. The choice is supposed to BROADEN the student’s horizon.
The MBA program in Spain lasts for 2 years while in English speaking countries it lasts for 1 year. This gives the student more earning time rather than paying for the tuition fees. There is no CEO exchange with the consulting firm while in Spain there are no much of opportunities. The international job options are less in Spain.
The universities in Spain tend to accept more of the students with past work experience. So, if the child doesn’t have any work experience, consideration of studying in Spain should be ruled out.
Cons Of Studying In Czech Republic
Comparatively, Chez Republic does not give the MBA students to build a good international network which is very important for an MBA student. They do not include the networks of other nationalities and are not very diverse unlike US. MBA students in UK and US are found to have networks globally when compared the graduates from the non-English speaking countries.
Due to the lack of diversity, it rules out the development of cross-cultural leadership skills. It does not prepare a MBA personality in you.
Similarly, pursing an MBA in Portugal will need a thorough knowledge of Portuguese as most of the tests as well as classes will be conducted in those languages. The MBA university rankings on a global basis is not very high in Portugal. It starts from the rank of 350.
Which Fields Are Beneficial To Pursue In Non-English Countries?

Other than MBA, Bachelors in agricultural science which is popular in University of Western Australia, University of Otago (New Zealand) and University of Melbourne offers better opportunities. Biomedical engineering has become a very popular area in every University in US. Cyber Security is one of the most targeted area and is offered the BEST in University of South Wales (Australia) and University of Washington (US). University of Leeds is a leading institution that provides THE BEST course in Aviation Technology. University of Dublin (Ireland) is very well known for Accountancy.
Russia is very well known and highly beneficial for pursing MBBS. It provides High-Quality education and World class infrastructure. They have MCI and WHO approved universities which boosts the value of degree.
Portugal has well-respected universities in the field of Molecular and cellular biology and Computer programming. The University of Lisbon and University of Coimbra are some of the well-known industries. The above courses do not deal with communication on a daily basis. There is no involvement of client accountancy for the firm and involves only accessing the computer and communicating through computer programs.
Hence according to me, choosing an English-speaking country for MBA is much more beneficial even while looking for the records of their alumni and global ranks. I would personally not prefer pursing MBA in non-English speaking countries.
Cultural shock and language barriers that Indian students face abroad can be largely minimized if the language spoken by the student is well known to her. Every mundane experience can be fought. Huang, the executive director for motion picture at Paramount Pictures said in an interview that, “the experience of living abroad teaches you to manage territories and people. And that can be done when you understand and communicate. Or else you are nothing”
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