Scholarships are available to enthusiastic students in various shapes, sizes and types. Scholarships is a pathway for a student to earn his/her education. There is no assistance from an outsider and makes a student a contributor to the society.
The goal of any university if to provide education to the student and enlighten them with knowledge. When an Indian students normally make use of student loans which they pay back by doing multiple part-time jobs. This detracts them from studying and the energy diverts. Academic performance suffers and hence the whole purpose shatters.
Scholarships are funds which are provided by sources. They might be government or private donors who may want to make large contributions in order to provide quality education. Scholarships promote the philanthropic concept of always ‘giving back’.
Sometimes scholarships are a way to encourage or reward a student’s academic achievement and progress.
Table of Contents
Why Are Scholarships Important?

There is an increasing rise in the university fee which many of the middle-class families are not able to pay. The student loan rate is rising and it is becoming tougher for the students to repay the loan. Basic cost of living becomes expensive. One of the prestigious factor about scholarships are that, it makes your resume stand out!
Basics To Apply For Government Or State Funded Scholarships
Students should fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) which will reveal their Expected family contribution (EFC). EFC is the amount that the student can afford and hence determines how much funding the state needs to grant.
Types Of Scholarships

Scholarships by Academic Achievement

It is known as a high profile and a very meritorious scholarship. A bright student is not only welcomed to the institute but also given a fair amount of academic scholarship. Students receive a certain amount of money or reduction in fee for based on their academic achievements.
Many colleges have merit-based scholarships which pat or almost the whole cost of attendance for the four years a student studies his/her undergraduate course. The scholarship amount given to every student varies on their entrance exam scores in some of the institutions.
Sometimes students have to submit a transcript to the committee in order to select students for the consideration of scholarships. The students must have an outstanding history of academic progress and the most ‘exceptional GPA. Extracurricular activities can also considered of major value while selection of students. This does not just involve money, but also a high amount of prestige.
The student should complete the course mentioned in academic program and should register in the course determined by the enrolled programs.
The average of 80% required for consideration.
Only the tuition fees covered.
Scholarships by Community service

It is not necessary for every student to be brilliant in order to avail or receive a scholarship. The universities also take into consideration how hardworking the student is and how strong his/her leadership skills are. Any student who volunteer in their communities are also rewarded scholarships in most of the universities.
The students can receive from $2000 to $30,000 for doing service to their respective community and honoring the philosophy of ‘giving back’ something to the society. Students should without fail mention every instance they were involved in any volunteering or displayed any community involvement.
The student must be above the age of 17.
The student should have committed at least 10 months of service at a non-profit organization or given at least 10 hours of community service for a particular duration.
Min-Max amount: $2500-50,000.
Some known scholarships: Bonner Scholars program, AXA Achievement scholarship, Prudential Spirit of Community Awards
Scholarships based on Financial Conditions

Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund is an example of this type of scholarships. Many of the families cannot afford the cost of living or renting a house when it comes to abroad studies. Scholarships based on financial conditions help in providing wealth for basic living needs and pursuing a particular area of study. Students are granted to undergraduate and graduate students who have economic problems or who face social issues or discrimination.
Citizenship & Residency: The applicant must fulfil the citizenship and residency requirements.
Minimum age limit: 18 years
Maximum age limit: 28 years
Academic achievements: The applicant must be academically equipped to complete the proposed course/degree. It should match the competitive requirements of the applied University.
Some known scholarships: Alfred Chisholm Memorial Scholarship, Chicago Pursue Scholarship program, Elisha Hall Memorial Scholarship.
Scholarships based on Athletic Achievements

Many students excel in sports. This area of scholarship is extremely competitive. They have pursued their passion and played a particular sport at district, state or national level and might have won many medals of excellence. Such students, are then eligible for athletic scholarships.
Most of the universities take pride in giving admission to students who would excel in sports and contribute their skills to the university teams. And hence they fund their education and respect their contribution in every way. Somehow, students have to present a decent academic background as well.
The student age must be 17-28 years.
Few sports accepted widely for women: Archery, Basketball, Hockey, Gymnastics, Rifle, Rowing, Soccer, Squash, Swimming, Tennis and Volleyball
Few sports accepted widely for men: Baseball, Basketball, Golf, Football, Skiing, Swimming, Soccer and wrestling.
The student’s entrance exam scores have to fulfil the admission cut off scores.
Scholarships based on Personal Background

A number of people are victims to racism and classism. They are often known as depressed classes. They are neither voiced nor represented. Many of them do not have basic privileges to pursue education due to social stigma. Universities provide scholarships that provide support to these depressed classes. These scholarships can be specific and ethnic or it might even be a generalized scholarship.
Some known scholarships: The Hispanic Scholarship Fund, provides scholarships which are open to the students belonging to the Hispanic Heritage. The Ron Brown scholarship is provided for the African-American students.
Scholarships based on workplace or military affiliation

If a student is related to a family whose members are employed with the U.S. military, then the student is eligible for Scholarships based on workplace or military affiliation. Walmart offers scholarships to the children of their employee.
The student should be good at academics in the proposed fields of the respective scholarships.
The spouse or husband should be a current service member.
The spouse or husband should be a discharged service member.
Max-min amount: $10,000-30,000
Scholarships for Women

Similar to scholarships based on personal background, this scholarship is made for the benefit of women. The domination of the white males have been disregarded with the introduction of this scholarship. Its objective is to increase opportunity for women to educate themselves and grow academically.
Most of the countries across the glob offer this scholarship. The scholarship provides more than just financial aid but might also give an upper hand when it comes to placements. These are also sponsored by wither individuals or corporations who aim to achieve women empowerment.
The student must be a girl in order to avail this scholarship
Any student cannot be above 30 years of age
The student has to belong to a single girl child family
Every student must hold decent academic record
Some known scholarships: Anne Bridge Baddour Aviation scholarship.
Min-max amount: $500-10,000$
Scholarships based on creativity

Students who are inclined towards art have an opportunity to grab this scholarship. This category is also one of the most competitive category in scholarships. The students submit their samples or previous artworks from which the best are rewarded. Art scholarships demand a portfolio from the students and students who excel in music will have to submit an audio file in the form of a tape. These scholarships are also funded by individuals and private companies. The artistic passion of a student is given utmost importance here.
The student must submit an original design.
The artwork could be in the form of artwork photograph or an image file.
The student must submit a portfolio which will talk about their talents.
Min-max amount: will cover 20/30/40% of the tuition fee.
Government scholarships

The goal of the government of a particular state is to make education accessible. Hence, they run numerous scholarship programs for students to encourage them to gain education and contribute to the country in return. There is no discrimination based on the class creed or race. The scholarships may be centrally-funded or state-funded.
The student should have scored above 80% in previous academic year.
The annual income must not be above a given amount for the respective scholarship.
The student cannot receive this scholarship if he/she has received any other scholarship.
Students pursuing long distance education cannot apply for this scholarship.
Min-Max scholarship: Will cover the whole tuition fee.
Tata Scholarship

The Tata Education and Development Trust has granted a $25 million which will be used to provide financial aid to 20 undergraduate students from India who are offered admission to Cornell university, Canada. Only 20 scholars will be granted and is awarded annually.
The student has to be citizen of India and should have certificates of secondary schools in India.
Students should be offered admission from Cornell as an undergraduate student.
The student has provided proofs for the need of financial aid.
The mission of providing scholarships is to turn higher education into reality for several families. There is a scholarship available for every area of excellence whether it is music, art, athletics or academics. The need is also taken into consideration. The student must consider every area and apply for every scholarship possible. Every talent, passion and skill is being rewarded today.
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